Rations Issued to Comanche, Kiowa and Apache Include Beef

Comanche Articles in Historical Journals

Compiled by Randy Vance

Contact Information:

Reference Department,

Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library

Telephone: (806) 742-9070

Email: reference.swco@ttu.edu

American Indian Civilization and Research Periodical (AICR) (E75 A5124)

Carocci, Max. �Visualizing Gender Variability in Plains Indian Pictographic Fine art.� Vol. 33 No. 1 2009. (Plains/Ind)

Ellis, Clyde. �A Remedy for Barbarians: Indian Schools, the Civilizing Programs, and the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation, 1871-1915.� Vol. 18 No. 3 1994. (Kiowa/Comanche/Apache/U.S. Gov)

Meadows, William C. �Honoring Native American Lawmaking Talkers Recognition Act 2008 (Public Police force 110-420).� Vol. 35 No. 3 2011. (Code talkers/Navajo/Comanche/Hopi/Choctaw & others)

Arizona and the W (F806 A69)

Hamilton, Allen Lee. �The Warren Carriage Train Raid: Borderland Indian Policy at the Crossroads.� Vol. 28 No. 3 Autumn 1986. (US Mil/Kiowa/Comanche/Southern Plains Tribes)

Park, Joseph F. �Spanish Indian Policy in Northern United mexican states, 1765-1810.� Vol. 4 No. 4 Winter 1962. (Span/Ind/Comanche/Lipan/TX-AZ-NM Indians)

Pope, Captain John, edited and annotated by Robert M. Utley. �Captain John Pope�southward Plan of 1853 for the Defense of New United mexican states. Vol. 5 No. two Summer 1963. (Plan not adopted) (U.s.a. Mil/ Apache/Comanche/Navajo/Ute/Ind)

Chronicles of Oklahoma (F691 C55)

Agnew, Brad. �War confronting the Comanches.� Vol. 49 No. 2 1971 Pp. 211-229.

Allgood, Samuel Y. �Historic Spots and Deportment in the Washita Valley.� Vol. 5 No. 2 June 1927 Pp. 221-233. (Mil/OK)

Becker, Daniel A. �Comanche Culture with History of Quanah Parker.� Vol. i No. 3 June 1923.

Becker, Westward. J. �The Comanche Indian and his Language.� Vol. fourteen No. 2 June 1936 Pp.135-155. (Comache/Ind)

Buntin, Martha. �The Quaker Indian Agents of the Kiowa, Comanche and the Wichita Indian Reservation.� Vol. 10 No. two June 1932. (Ind/Agents)

_____. �The Commencement of the Leasing of the Surplus Grazing Lands on the Kiowa and Comanche Reservations.� Vol. 10 No. 3 1932. (Ind/Cattle)

Clark, Wahnne C. �The M Celebration�An Indian Delegation to Washington.� Vol. half-dozen No. 2 1988 Pp. 192-205. (Kiowa/Comanche)

Cooper M. Charles. �The Big Pasture.� Vol. 35 No. 2 1957 Pp. 138-146. (Ind/Res)

Corwin, Hugh D. �Protestant Missionary Work among the Comanches and Kiowas.� Vol. 46 No.ane 1968 Pp. 41-57. (Comanche/Kiowa)

Dale, Edward Everett. �Old Navajoe.� Vol. 24 No. ii Summer 1946 Pp. 128-145. Includes battle between Navajo and Comanche (Navajo/Comanche)

Twenty-four hour period, James G. �Two Quanah Parker Letters.� Vol. 44 No. 3 1966 Pp. 313- 318. (According to footnote Pg. 315, Quanah�s letters were written for him by one of his sons (Quanah Parker)

Foreman, Grant. �A Journal kept past Douglas Cooper of an Expedition past a Company of Chickasaws in Quest of Comanche Indians.� Vol. 5 No. 4 December 1927 Pp. 381-390. (Ind/Mil- Indians vs. Indians)

_____. �The Journal of the Proceedings at Our First Treaty with the Wild Indians, 1835.� Vol. xiv No. iv December 1936 Pp. 393-418. (Ind/U.s.)

_____. �Historical Background of the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation.� Vol. 19 No. 2 1941 Pp. 129-140. (Ind/Res)

Griswold, Gillett. �Military camp Comanche.� Vol. 73 No. 3 1995 Pp. 322-340. (Mil/Comanche)

Harper, Milburn C. �An Early Railroad Agent in the Kiowa-Comanche State.� Vol. 33 No. three 1955 Pp. 288-300. (Railroad/Ind)

LaVere, David Fifty. �Comanche-Euroamerica Relations.� Vol. 71 No. 3 1993 Pp. 322-337. (Comanche)

Leahy, Todd. �Beef Instead of Bayonets: Cultural Mores and the Failure of Assimilation on the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation.� Vol. 83 No. iv 2005 Pp. 490-499. (Kiowa-Comanche)

Lindquist, Chiliad. Due east. E. �Indian Treaty Making.� Vol. 26 No. 4 Winter 1948/ 49 Pp. 416- 448. (Ind/Treaty)

Linzee, E. H. �Registration and Drawing for Opening of Kiowa and Comanche Country, 1901.� Vol. 25 No. 3 Fall 1947 Pp. 289- 294. (Ind/State)

Mitchell, Michael Dan. �Acculturation Problems among the Plains Indians.� Vol. 44 No. 3 1966 Pp. 281-289. (Plains Ind)

Monahan, Forrest D. �The Kiowa-Comanche Reservation.� Vol. 45 No. four 1967 Pp. 451-463. (Comanche/Kiowa)

Murphy, John. �Reminiscences of the Washita Campaign and of Darlington Indian Agency.� Vol. i No. 3 June 1923 Pp. 259- 278. (Ind/Mil)

Nesbitt, Paul. �Battle of the Washita.� Vol. 3 No. one Apr 1925 Pp. 3-32. (Ind/Mil)

Nye, Captain Wilbur Due south. �Excitement on the Sweetwater.� Vol. 16 No. 2 June 1938 Pp. 241-249. (Ind/Mil)

Perrine, Fred S. and Grant Foreman. �Dragoon Expedition 1834-1835.� Vol. 35 No. 3 September 1925 Pp. 175-215. (U.s. Mil)

Rister, C. C. �A Federal Experiment in Southern Plains Indian Relations, 1835-1845.� Vol. 14 No. 4 December 1936 Pp. 434-455. (Ind/US)

Smith, Ralph A. �The Comanche Span Betwixt Oklahoma and United mexican states, 1843-1844.� Vol. 39 No. one 1960 Pp. 54-69. Includes map (Comanche)

Steele, Aubrey 50. �The Beginning of Quaker Administration of Indian Diplomacy in Oklahoma.� Vol. 17 No. 4 Dec 1939 Pp. 364-392. (Ind)

_____. �Lawrie Tatum�south Indian Policy.� Vol. 22 No. 1 Spring 1944 Pp. 83-97. (Ind Agent)

Tate, Michael L. �Comanche Captives.� Vol. 72 No. 3 1994 Pp. 228-263. Includes pictures (Comanche)

_____. �The Frontier of Northwest Texas during the Ceremonious War.� Vol. 50 No. two 1972 Pp. 177-189. (TX Frontier)

Taylor, Alfred A. �Medicine Lodge Peace Quango.� Vol. two No. 2 June 1924 Pp. 98-118. (US/Ind)

Trafzer, Cliff �Comanche Killer or Commentator? Captain Marcy the Ethnographer.� Vol. 58 No. 1 1980 Pp. 53-64. Picture of Marcy (Ind/Mil)

Tyler, Ronnie. �Quanah Parker�s Narrow Escape.� Vol. 46 No. 2 1968 Pp. 183-189. (Quanah Parker)

Van Zandt, Howard F. �The Battle of Washita Revisted.� Vol. 62 No. 1 1984 Pp. 56-69. (Ind/Mil)

Walker, Jerell R. �Sign Language of the Plains Indians.� Vol. 31 No. 2 Summer 1953 Pp. 168-177. (Ind)

Welham, Paul I. �Cynthia Ann Parker.� Vol. 12 No. 2 June 1934 Pp. 145-162. (Ind/Parker/Comanche)

Wyckoff, Don Yard. & Towana Spivey. �Archaelogical Investigation of Fort Washita.� Vol. 49 No. 4 1971 Pp. 492-503. (Ind/Mil)

Ethnohistory (E51 .E8)

Ewers, John C. �Symmes C. Oliver, Ecology and Cultural Continuity as Contributing Factors in the Social Organization of the Plains Indians.� Vol. 10 No. one Wintertime 1963. (Plains Indians/Comanche)

Jackson, Robert H. �Comments on �Examining the Complication of Historic Population Decline: A Case Study of Pecos Pueblos.� Vol. 45 No. ane 1998. (Pecos)

Kidwell, Clara Sue. �Indian Women every bit Cultural Mediators.� Vol. 39 No. 2 1992. (Ind)

Levine, Frances and LaBauve. �Examining the Complexity of Historic Population Decline: A Case Study of Pecos Pueblo.� Vol. 44 No. i 1997. (Pecos)

Meadows, William C. ��They Had A Chance to Talk to One Some other�: The Part of Incidence in Native American Lawmaking Talking.� Vol. 56 No. 2 2009. (Ind/ Code talkers/Comanche/ Navajo/Hopi)

Whitehead, Neil L. �Between Empires: Indians in the American Westward During the Age of Empire.� Vol. 54 No. four 2007. (Ind)

Great Plains Journal (F591 .G76)

Chapman, Berlin B. �The Day in Court for the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Tribes.� Autumn 1962. (Comanche/Kiowa/Apache)

Corwin, Hugh D. �Oscar Yellowwolf Comanche.� Spring 1962. (Comanche)

Faulk, Odie B. �The Comanche Invasion of Texas 1743-1836.� Fall 1969. (Comanche)

Jones, William Thou. �Iii Kwahari Comanche Weapons.� Fall 1968. (Comanche)

Pate, J�Nell �The Battle of Adobe Walls.� Vol. 16 No. i Fall 1976. (Comanche/Buffalo Hunters)

Smith, Ralph A. �Scalp Hunting: A Mexican Experiment in Warfare.� Vol. 23 1984. (Scalp)

_____. �The Comanches� Foreign War: Fighting Head Hunters in the Tropics.� Vols. 24-25 1987-1988. (Comanche)

_____. �The Compensation Wars of the West and United mexican states.� Vols. 28-29 1989-1990. (Compensation/Scalp)

Tate, Michael L. �Frontier Defense on the Comanche Ranges of Northwest Texas, 1846-1860.� Vol. eleven No. 1 Fall 1971. (Comanche)

Taylor, Morris F. �Some Aspects of Historical Indian Occupation of Southeastern Colorado.� Fall 1964. (Comanche/Ute/Apache/Plains Ind)

Weddle, Robert S. �The San Saba Mission: Approach to the Keen Plains.� Spring 1965. (Comanche/Apache/Bridge)

Keen Plains Quarterly (F591 G762)

Greybill, Andrew R. �Rangers, Mounties, and the Subjugation of Indigenous Peoples, 1870-1885.� Vol. 24 No. ii Leap 2004. (Comanche/Kiowa/ Buffalo)

Hamalainen, Pekka. �The Showtime Phase of Devastation: Killing the Southern Plains Buffalo, 1790-1840.� Vol. 21 No. 2 Spring 2001. (Buffalo/Comanche/ Plains Ind)

Isenberg, Andrew C. �Toward A Policy of Destruction: Buffalo, Law, and the Market, 1803-1883.� Vol. 12 No. 4 Fall 1992. (Buffalo)

Kaye, Frances Westward. �Plains Indian Civilisation: An Introduction.� Vol. 7 No. ii Bound 1987. (Plains Ind)

Magnaghi, Russell Chiliad. �Plains Indian in New Mexico: the Genizaro Experience.� Vol. 10 No. 2 Spring 1990. (Plains Ind/Spanish)

Meadows, William C. �Black Goose�s Map of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation in Oklahoma Territory.� Vol. 26 No. 4 Fall 2006. Map (Comanche/Kiowa/Apache)

Sultanate of oman, Kerry R. �The Beginning of the End: The Indian Peace Committee of 1867-1868.� Vol. 22 No. 1 Winter 2002. (Ind)

Petersen, Martin E. �On the Nature of the Equus caballus of the American Due west in Nineteenth Century Art.� Vol. 7 No. 1 Wintertime 1987. (Horses)

Ritterbush, Lauren West. �Drawn by the Bison: Late Prehistoric Native Migration into the Central Plains.� Vol. 22 No. 4 Fall 2002. (Ind/Buffalo)

Wrinkle, Kenneth. �Bison: the Past, Nowadays, and Futurity of the Great Plains and Introduction.� Vol. 21 No.2 Spring 2001. (Buffalo/Comanche/Plains Ind)

Periodical of American History (Mississippi Valley Historical Review) (E171 J87)

Barr, Juliana. �From Captives to Slaves: Commodifying Indian Women in the Borderlands.� Vol. 92 No. 1 June 2005. (TX Ind/Caddo/Comanche)

Flores, Dan. �Bison Environmental and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.� Vol. 78 No. 2 September 1991. (Comanche/Bison)

Hamalainen, Pekka. �The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Equus caballus Cultures.� Vol. 90 No. 2 December 2003. (Comanche/Horses)

Young, Otis Eastward. �The United States Mounted Ranger Battalion, 1823-1833.� Vol. 41 No. 3 December 1954. Likewise known as the Commencement Dragoons. (US Mil/Plains Ind)

Journal of the Indian Wars (E81 J66)

Colloway, Colin G. �Beyond Body Counts: Search for Multiple Meaning of Conflict in Indian Wars.� Vol. two No. ane 2001. (Ind/Mil)

DeSpain, Southward. Matthew. �Captain Albert Barnitz and the Battle of the Washita: New Documents, New Insights.� Vol. 1 No. 2 1999. (Boxing of the Washita)

Lees, William B. �Archaeological Evidence: The Attack on Blackness Kettle�southward Village on the Washita.� Vol. 1 No. 1999. (Battle of the Washita)

Noyes, C. Lee. �A Tale of Two Battles: George Armstrong Custer and the Attacks at the Washita and the Little Bighorn.� Vol. 1 No. 1 1999. (Battle of the Washita)

Rea, Bob. �Sheridan & Custer: Military camp Supply and the Wintertime Campaign of 1868-1869.� Vol. 1 No. 1 1999. (Battle of the Washita)

Kansas Historical Quarterly (F676 K33)

Kansas Historical Drove Section I : 1875-1928

Burgess, Henderson Larfayette. �The Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and Some Incidents Connected With Its Service on the Plains.� Vol. 13 1913-1914 Pp. 534-538.(Comanche/Plains Ind./US Mil)

Campbell, C. . �Down Among the Cherry Man.� Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 623-691. (Plains Ind/Comanche/Kiowa)

Connelley, William Elsey. �The Treaty Held at Medicine Club.� Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 601-606. (Us Gov/Plains Ind/ Comanche)

Daster, Frank Gauge. �Eleventh Indiana Cavalry in Kansas in 1865.� Vol. xv 1919-1922 Pp. 524-529. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Comanche/Cheyenne/Arapaho/others)

McBee, John, edited past William E. Connelley. �John McBee�southward Account of the Trek of the Nineteenth Kansas, equally He Told It to William E. Connelley.� Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 361-374. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Boxing of Washita)

Thoburn, Joseph B. �Indian Fight in Ford County in 1859.� Vol. 12 1911-1912 Pp. 312-330. (Comanche/US Mil)

Kansas Historical Quarterly 1931-1977

Barry, Louise. �With the First U.Due south. Cavalry in Indian Land, 1859-1861.� Vol. 24 Nos.3 & 4. (US Mil/Kiowa/Comanche)

Covington, James W., editor. �A Robbery on the Santa Atomic number 26 Trail, 1827.� Vol. 21 No. seven Fall 1955. (Trails/Ind/Pawnee/Comanche/Kiowa[not much on the last two]

Garfield, Marvin H. �The Military Postal service as a Cistron in Frontier Defence of Kansas, 1865-1869.� Vol. 1 No. i Nov. 1931 Pp. fifty-62 (US Mil./Ind.)

_____. �Defence force of the Kansas Borderland, 1864-1865.� Vol. 1 No. 2 Feb.1932. (US Mil/Ind)

_____. �Defence force of the Kansas Frontier, 1866-1867.� Vol. i No. 4 Aug. 1932 Pp. 326-344. (US Mil/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)

_____. �Defence of the Kansas Borderland, 1868-1869.� Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov. 1932 Pp. 451-473. (United states of america Mil/ Southern Plains Ind)

Kingman, Samuel A. �Diary of Samuel A. Kingman at Indian Treaty in 1865.� Vol. 1 No. five Nov. 1932 Pp. 442-450. (Us Gov/Southern Plains Tribes & Osage)

Stanley, Henry Thousand. �A British Journalist Reports the Medicine Lodge Peace Councils of 1867.� Vol. 33 No. 3 Autumn 1967. (U.s. Gov/Southern Plains Tribes)

Stuart, Lt. J. East.B . �The Kiowa and Comanche Entrada of 1860 as Recorded in the Personal Diary of Lt. J. Eastward. B. Stuart, edited by W. Stitt Robinson.� Vol. 23 No. four Winter 1957. (US Mil/Kiowa/Comanche)

Unrau, William East. �The Story of Fort Larned.� Vol. 23 No. iii Autumn 1957. (United states Mil/Southern Plains Tribes/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)

_____. �Indian Amanuensis vs. Army: Some Background Notes on the Kiowa � Comanche Treaty of 1865.� Vol. 30 No. two Summer 1964. (US Gov/Comanche/Kiowa)

Wellman, Paul I. �Some Famous Kansas Frontier Scouts.� Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1932 Pp. 345-359. (US Mil/Scouts/Cheyenne/Kiowa/Comanche)

Welty, Raymond L. �The Policing of the Frontier by the Army, 1860-1870.� Vol. 7 No. 3 Aug. 1938. (Us Mil/Comanche/Plains Ind)

White, Lonnie J. �Indian Raids on the Kansas Frontier, 1869.� Vol. 38 No. 4 Winter 1972. (US Mil/Southern Plains Tribes)

Zwinke, Timothy A. �E. W. Wynkoop and the Barefaced Quango 1866.� Vol. 43 No. 2 Summer 1977. (Treaty/US Gov/Plains Indians/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)

Kansas History 1978- to present

Clapsaddle, David �Conflict and Commerce on the Santa Fe Trail: The Fort Riley-Fort Larned Road, 1860-1867.� Vol. 16 No 2 Summer 1993. (Trails/ US Mil/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne)

Trennert, Robert A. �Indian Policy on the Santa Fe Road: The Fitzpatrick Controversy of 1847-1848�. Vol. 1 No. 4 Winter 1978. ( US Mil/Southern Plains Tribes/Comanche/ Roads)

Military History of the West (F381 T35)

Anderson, John Q. �Fort Elliott, Texas, Concluding Baby-sit of the Plains Indians.� Vol. two No. 4 Nov 1962 Pp. 243-254. (Military/ Indians)

Benner, Judith Ann. �The Making of a Soldier: The Indian Fighting Career of Lawrence Sullivan Ross, 1858-1861.� Vol. 16 No. four 1980 Pp. 205-222. (Rangers & Indians)

Carlson, Paul. ��Pecos Bill� Shafter Scouting the Llano Estacado.� Vol. sixteen No. one 1980 Pp. 33-54. (Trails Military)

_____. ��Pecos Beak� Shafter on the Texas Borderland 1870-1875.� Vol. xv No. iv 1979 Pp. v-16. (Armed forces)

_____. �William R. Shafter As a Frontier Commander.� Vol. 12 No. 1 1975 Pp. 15-xxx. (Military)

Cruse, J. Brett. �The Boxing of Round Timber Creek and the use of Experimental Carbines During the Red River War of 1874.� Vol. 38 2008 Page Nos. 51-84. Map and Photos (Ind/Mil)

Cutrer, Thomas W. �My Wild Chase afterwards Indians, 23 Apr-seven September 1860.� Vol. 21 No. i. Spring 1991. (TX Rangers)

Harrison, Lowell H. �The Two Battles of Adobe Walls� Vol. 5 No. 1 Spring 1965 Pp. i-11. (Ind/ Mil/Buffalo Hunters)

Leach, John A. �Search And Destroy: Counter-Insurgency on the American Plains.� Vol. 9 No. ane 1971 Pp. 55-threescore. (Ind/Mil)

Pierce, Gerald S. �Burleson�south Northwestern Campaign.� Vol. 6 No. 3 Fall 1967 Pp. 190-201. Map (Rangers/Indians)

Rogers, Jerry L. �The Flint and Steel: Background to the Red River State of war of 1874-1875� Vol. vii No. 3 Fall 1969. (Ind/Mil)

_____. �To the Canyons of the Tule ; Colonel Nelson A. Miles and the Indian Territory Expedition 1874� Vol. 7 No. 4 Winter 1968 Pp. 267-294. (Ind/Mil)

_____. �Luck, Logistics and Major Price: Issues of the Indian Territory Expeditions Fall, 1874� Vol. 8 No. one 1970. (Ind/Mil)

_____. �The Indian Territory Trek: Wintertime Campaign, 1874-1875� Vol. eight No. 4 1970 Pp. 233-248. Map (Ind/Mil)

Simpson, Harold B. �The 2d U.Due south. Cavalry in Texas.� Pp. 55-75. (Ind/Mil)

Smith, David P. �The Elm Creek Raid, 1864.� Vol. 19 No. 2 Fall 1989. (TX Indians)

Van Horn, William. �Sheridan�s Saber: The 4thursday Cavalry Regiment in 1874.� Vol. 35 2005 Pp. i-34. (Ind/Mil)

Wallace, Ernest. �Prompt in the Saddle: The Military Career of Ranald S Mackenzie.� Vol. nine No. 3 1971 Pp. 161-190. (Military)

White, Lonnie J �New Sources Relating to the Boxing of Adobe Walls, 1874.� Vol. viii No. 1 1970. (Ind/Mil)

_____. �Messages of a Sixth Cavalryman Stationed at �Cantonment� in the Texas Panhandle, 1875.� Vol. 7 No. 2 Summer 1968 Pp. 77-102. (Ind/Mil)

_____. �The First Battle of the Palo Duro Canyon.� Vol. six No. 3 Fall 1967 Pp. 222-235. Map & Photos (Ind/Mil)

Wooster, Robert. �War machine Strategy in the Southwest 1848-1860.� Vol. 15 No. 2 1979 Pp. 4-16. (Ind/Mil)

Mississippi Valley Historical Review (Subsequently Periodical of American History ) (E171 J87)

Flores, Dan. �Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.� Vol. 78 No. 2 Sept. 1991. (Comanche/Bison)

Hamalainen, Pekka.�The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures.� Vol. xc No. 2 December. 2003. (Comanche/Horses)

Young, Otis E. �The United States Mounted Ranger Battalion, 1823-1833.� Vol. 41 No. 3 Dec 1954. (The states Mil/Plains Ind) Also known as the First Dragoons

New Mexico Historical Review (F791 N65)

John, Elizabeth A.H. �Nurturing the Peace: Spanish and Comanche Cooperation in the Early Nineteenth Century.� Vol. 59 No. 4. (Comanche/Bridge)

Karr, Steven Thou. �Indian Depredation along Texas�due south Rio Grande and Trans-Pecos Frontiers,1877-1882.� Vol. 79 No. two. (Comanche/Apache/U.S. Mil)

Kavanagh, Thomas Westward. �Los Comanches: Pieces of an Celebrated, Folkloric Detective Story, Part 1.� Vol. 81 No. 1; Part 2 in Vol. 81 No. iii. (Comanche)

Kessell, John L. �Juan Bautista de Anza, Male parent and Son.� Vol. 79 No. 2. (Comanche/Bridge Mil/Apache)

Merlan, Thomas and Levine, Francis. ��Comanchero: Jos� Piedad Tafoya,� 1834-1913.� Vol. 81 No. 1. (Comanche/Comanchero)

Richmond, Douglas W. �The Climax of Conflicts with Native Americans in New Mexico: Spanish and Mexican Antecedents to U.South. Treaty Making During the U.Due south.-Mexico War, 1846-1848.� Vol. fourscore No. ane. (Ind/Comanche/U.South./Mex)

Seefeldt, Douglas. �Constructing Comanche Pasts.� Vol. 81 No. 1. (Comanche)

Taylor, Morris F. �Plains Indians on the New Mexico-Colorado Border: The Last Stage 1870-1876.� Vol. 46 No. 4. (Cheyenne, Kiowa, Kiowa-Apache, Comanche/Plains Ind)

Tykal, Jack B. �Taos to St.Louis: The Journey of Maria Rosa Villalpanda.� Vol. 65 No. ii. (Comanche/ Convict Span)

Weber, David J. �American W Expansion and the Breakup of Relations Between Pobladores and �Indios Barbaros� on Mexico�s Far Northern Frontier, 1821-1846.� Vol. 56 No. iii. (Comanche/Apache/Ind/Mex)

Worcester, Donald E. �The Spread of Spanish Horses in the Southwest.� Vol. 19 No. 3; Vol. 20 No. 1. (Gen)

_____. �The Employ of Saddles by American Indians.� Vol. 20 No. 2. (Ind)

_____. �The Weapons of American Indians.� Vol. xx No. 3. (Ind)

Lodge of the Indian Wars (PER 31 o65 i39)

Agonito, Joseph. �The Fine art of Plains Indian Warfare.� Vol. 1 No. 1 Winter 1980. (Plains Ind.)

Battaly, Robert J. �The Effects of the Buffalo Life Bicycle on the Military History of the Indian Wars, 1866-1891.� Vol. ane No. 2 Spring 1980. (US Mil/Buffalo)

Kimball, Allan C. �The Comanche Trail Forts of Texas.� Vol. ii No. 1 Winter 1981. (Trails/US Mil)

_______. �The Seminole Negro Indian Scouts.� Vol. 2 No. 4 Fall 1981. (Seminole Scouts)

Pettis, George H., Capt. California Volunteer Infantry, �Kit Carson�s Fight with the Comanche and Kiowa Indians� Vol. 1 No. 3 Summer 1980. (Comanche/Kiowa/US Mil)

Remington, Frederic. �Horses of the Plains� Vol. 2 No. i 1981. (Plains Ind/Horses)

Panhandle Plains Historical Review (F381 P2)

Abert, J. West. �Journal of Lt. J. W. Abert from Bent�s Fort to St. Louis in 1845.� Vol. 14 1941 Pp. 9-114. Map (Trails/Ind/U.s. Mil/Exploration)

Alexander, Thomas E. �Custer on the Washita: A Rehearsal for His Own Destruction.� Vol. 1998. (Usa Mil/Ind)

Archambeau, Ernest R. �The Boxing of Lyman�s Carriage Train.� Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 103-114. (Ind/U.s.a. Mil)

________.�Monthly Reports of the 4th Cavalry 1872-1874.� Vol. 38 1965 Pp. 95-154. (US Mil)

Brown, William R. �Comancheria Census, 1805-1830.� Vol. 59 1986 Pp. 1-17. (Comanche)

Buntin, Martha �The Removal of the Wichitas, Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches to the Present Agency.� Vol. 4 1931 Pp. 62-78.

Carlson, Paul H. �William R. Shafter, Blackness Troops, and the Opening of the Llano Estacado, 1870-1875.� Vol. 47 1974 Pp. 1-18. (US Mil/Ind)

________. �Relations Between the Comanche Indians and the Republic of Texas.� Vol. 53 1980 Pp. 17-34. (Comanche/Rep of TX)

Crimmins, Col. Yard. L. �Notes on the Establishment of Fort Elliot and the Buffalo Wallow Fight.� Vol. 25 1952 Pp. 45-69. (The states Mil/Ind)

Debo, Angie. �The Social and Economical Life of Comanches.� Vol.three 1930 Pp. 38-52. (Comanche Ind)

Foreman, Grant. �In Search of the Comanches.� Vol. vii pp. seven-41. (Comanche)

Haley, J. Evetts. �Charles Goodnight�s Indian Recollections.� Vol. 1 No. 1 1928. (Ind)

________. �The Peachy Comanche War Trail.� Vol. 29 1950. (Comanche)

________. �Albert Pike�s Journeys in the Prairie 1831-32.�� Vol. 41 1968 unabridged outcome. (Trails)

Harrison, Lowell H. �Harm Suits for Indian Depredations in the Adobe Wall Expanse, 1874.� Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 37-60. (Us Gov/Ind)

________. �3 Comancheros and a Trader.� Vol. 38 1965 Pp. 73-94. (Comanchero/Ind/Trader)

Hill, Frank P. �Indian Raids on the S Plains.� Vol. 7 Pp. 53-69. (Ind)

Holden, William Curry. �Frontier Defense 1865-1889.� Vol. 2 1929 Pp. 43-64. (Ind/ TX Rangers)

Hughes, Westward. J. �Rip Ford�s Indian fight on the Canadian.� Vol. thirty 1957. (Ind/Rangers)

Lackman, Howard. �The Howard-Neighbors Controversy: A Cantankerous-Section in Westward Texas Indian Affairs.� Vol. 25 1952 Pp. 29-44. (Ind)

Leckie, William H. �The Red River War of 1874-1875� Vol. 29 1956 (Ind/The states Mil)

McClure, C. B., editor. �The Battle of Adobe Walls.� Vol. 21 1948.

McKinley, J. W. �J. W. McKinley�s Narrative.� (Battle of Adobe Walls & Lyman�s Wagon Train fight, immediate account?) Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 61-lxx. (Ind/US Mil/Buffalo hunter)

Oswald, James Thousand. �History of Fort Elliott.� Vol. 32 1959 Pp. 1-59. (The states Mil)

Perry, Kenneth. �Indian Depredations in Texas Big Curve�The Crosson Claim Example� Vol. 53 1980 Pp. 35-56. (Ind/TX)

Price, Byron. �The Great Panhandle Indian Scare of 1891.� Vol. 55 1982.

Rea, Bob, editor. �The Red River War Diary of Private John Hechner.� Vol. 71 1998. (US Mil/Ind)

Richardson, Rupert N. �The Comanche Indians at the Adobe Walls Fight.� Vol.4 1931 Pp. 24- 38 (Comanche)

Rister, C. C. �Documents Relating to General W. T. Sherman�s Southern Plains Indian Policy 1871-1875.� Vol. 9 1936 Pp. 7-27. (Ind)

________. �Documents Relating to General Due west. T. Sherman�s Southern Plains Indian Policy 1871-1875� Vol. 10 1937 Pp. 48-63. (Ind)

Sheffy, L. F. �The Spanish Horse on the Great Plains.� Vol. v 1932. (Plains/Horse/Ind)

________. �Letters and Reminiscences of Gen. Theodore A. Baldwin: Scouting Later on Indians on the Plains of West Texas.� Vol. 11 1938 Pp. seven-30. (U.Southward. Mil/Ind)

Slesick, Leonard Thousand. �Fort Bascom: A Armed services Outpost in Eastern New Mexico.� Vol. 56 1983. (U.s. Mil/Ind)

Taylor, Joe F., compiled & edited. �The Indian Campaign on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875.� Vol. 34 1961. (U.s. Mil/Ind)

________. �The Indian Campaigns on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875.� conclusion Vol. 35 1962. (United states of america Mil/Ind)

Temple, Frank G. �Colonel Grierson in the Southwest.� Vol. 30 1957. (US Mil/Ind)

West, G. Derek �The Battle of Adobe Walls (1874).� Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 1-36. (Ind/Buffalo Hunters)

White, Lonnie J. �Kansas Newspaper Items Relating to the Cerise River War of 1874-1875.� Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 71-88. (Ind/U.s. Mil)

Plains Anthropologist (E78 G73 P52)

Banks, Kimball Grand. and Snortland, J. Signe. �Every Motion picture Tells a Story: Historic Images, Tipi Camps, and Archeology.� Vol. 40 No. 152 May 1995. (Tipi/Archaeology)

Bozell, John R. �Civilisation, Environment and Bison Populations on the Late Preshistoric and Early on Historic Cardinal Plains.� Vol. 40 No. 152 May 1995. (Buffalo)

Brasser, Ted J. �The Tipi as an Chemical element in the Emergence of Historic Plains Indians Nomadism.� Vol. 27 No. 98 Part I November 1982. (Tipi/Plains Ind)

Byerly, Ryan M. and Meltzer, David J. �Historic Period Faunal Remains from Mustang Springs on the Southern High Plains of Texas.� Vol. 50 No. 194 2005. (Local/Midland)

Chisholm, Brian, Driver, Jonathan, Dube, Sylvain and Schwarcz, Henry P. �Assessment of Prehistoric Bison Foraging and Movement Patterns via Stable-Carbon-Isotopic Assay.� Vol. 31 No. 113 August 1986. (Buffalo)

Dering, Phil. �Late Prehistoric Subsistence Economy on the Edwards Plateau.� Vol. 53 No. 205 2008. (TX Ind)

Drass, Richard R. and Flynn, Peggy. �Temporal and Geographic Variations in Subsistence Practices for Plains Villagers in the Southern Plains.� Vol. 35 No. 128 May 1990. (Ind/South. Plains)

Drass, Richard R. �Corn, Beans and Bison: Cultivated Plants and Changing Economies of the Late Prehistoric Villagers on the Plains of Oklahoma and Northwest Texas.� Vol. 53 No. 205 2008. (S. Plains/Ind)

Epp, Henry T. �Manner of the Migrant Herds: Dual Dispersion Strategy Amidst Bison.� Vol. 33 No. 121 August 1988. (Buffalo)

Ewer, John C. �Climate, Acculturation and Costume: A History of Women�s Clothing among the Indians of the Southern Plains.� Vol. 25 No. 87. (Due south. Plains/Ind)

Honea, Kenneth. �The Applied science of Eastern Puebloan Pottery on the Llano Estacado.� Vol. 18 No. 59 February 1973. (Ind/Llano Estacado)

Huebner, Jeffery A. �Late Prehistoric Bison Populations in Central and Southern Texas.� Vol. 36 No. 137 November 1991. (Buffalo)

Jackson, J. Brantley. �The Jared Site: A Comanche Burial at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.� Vol. 17 No. 58 November 1972. (Comanche)

Jacobsen, Brooke R. and Eighmy, Jeffrey L.�A Mathematical Theory of Horse Adoption on the Northern American Plains.� Vol. 25 No. ninety November 1980. (Horse)

Kenmotsu, Nancy A. , Perttula, Timothy M., Mercado-Allinger, Patricia, Hester, Thomas R., Bruseth, James E., Iruegas, Sergio and Tunnell, Curtis. �Medicine Mounds Ranch: The Identification of a Possible Comanche Traditional Cultural Holding in the Rolling Plains of Texas.� Vol. forty No. 153 Baronial 1995. (Comanche)

Keyser, James D. �A Shoshonean Origin for the Plains Shield-Bearing Warrior Motif.� Vol. twenty No. 69 August 1975. (Comanche/Shoshone)

Keyser, James D. and Mitchell, Mark. �Busy Bridles: Horse Tack in Plains Biographic Rock Art.� Vol. 46 No. 177 May 2001. (Horses)

Keyser, James D., Sundstrom, Linea and Poetschat, George. �Women in War: Gender in Plains Biographic Rock Art.� Vol. 51 No. 197 2006. (Ind Women/War/Mil)

Keyser, James D. and Kaiser, David A. �Getting the Point: Metallic Weapons in Plains Rock Art.� Vol. 55 No. 214 May 2010. (Ind/Metallic)

Maxwell, Joseph A. �The Evolution of Plains Indian Kin Terminologies: A Non-Reflectionist Account.� Vol. 23 No. 79 1978. (Plains Ind)

McBeth, Sally J. �Indian Boarding Schools and Ethnic Identity: An Example from the Southern Plains Tribes of Oklahoma.� Vol. 28 No. 100 May 1983. (Ind/Edu)

Monical, David G. �Changes in American Attitudes towards the Indian as Evidenced by Captive Literature.� Vol. fourteen No. 44 Part1 May 1969. (Ind/Captive)

Neuman, Robert W. �Northward American Indian Tent Encampments: Tipi Rings, Wooden Wall Anchors and Windbreaks.� Vol. 55 No. 215 August 2010. (Plains Ind/Tipi)

Newton, Cody. �Towards a Context for Late Pre-contact Civilisation Change: Comanche Motion Prior to Eighteenth-Century Spanish Documentation.� Vol. 56 No. 217 2011. (Comanche)

Oetelaar, Gerald A. �Across Action Areas: Structure and Symbolism in the Organization and Utilize of Space Inside Tipis.� Vol. 45 No. 171 February 2000. (Ind/Tipi)

Parson, Marking Fifty. �Plains Indian Portable Art as a Cardinal to Two Texas Historic Rock Art Sites.� Vol. 32 No. 117 August 1987. (TX Ind)

Picha, Paul. �Joseph N. Nicollet and Great Plains Ethnohistory: Interfaces among Nineteenth-Century French Scientific discipline, Enlightment, and Revolution.� Vol. 54 No. 210 2009. (Plains Ind)

Schlesier, Karl H. �Rethinking the Midewiwin and the Ceremonial Called the Sunday Dance.� Vol. 35 No. 127. (Sun Dance)

Shiner, Joel 50. �Large Springs and Early American Indians.� Vol. 28 No. 99 February 1983. (TX Ind)

Tefft, Stanton K. �The Comanche Kinship Organisation in Historical Perspective.� Vol. half-dozen No. 14 1961. (Comanche)

Thurman, Melburn D. �Nelson Lee and the Green Corn dance: Data Selection Issues with Wallace and Hoebel�south Study of the Comanches.� Vol. 27 No. 97 Baronial 1982. (Comanche)

Turpin, Solveig. �The End of the Trail: An 1870s Plains Combat Autobiography in Southwest Texas.� Vol. 34 No. 124 Part i May 1989. (Comanche/Kiowa/Mil)

Walsh, William Eastward. �A Re-examination of the Celebrated Indian Burying from Yellowstone Canyon, Texas.� Vol. 42 No. 160 May 1997. (Lubbock)

Wright, Gary A. �The Shoshonean Migration Problem.� Vol. 23 No. 80 1978. (Shoshone/Comanche)

Zolotarevskaja, I. A. �Some Material on the Assimilation of Okhlama Indians.� Vol. 6 No. 11 1961. (Ind/U.s.a.)

Red River Valley Historical Review (PER 31 R318 R621)

Agnew, Brad. �Armed forces Roads in Indian Territory.� Vol. 6 No. 3. (Us Mil/Trails)

Almaraz, Felix D. �Aspects of Mexican Texas: A Focal Point in Southwest History.� Vol. 2 No. iii Fall 1975. (Mex/Tex)

Austerman, Wayne R. �Ranald Southward. Mackenzie and Early on Years on the Border.� Vol. v No. four Fall 1980. (U.s.a. Mil)

Carlson, Paul H. �William R. Shafter, Black Troops, and the Finale to the Red River State of war.� Vol. three No. 2 Leap 1978. (Us Ind/Mil)

Curths, Karen. �The Routes of French and Spanish Penetration into Oklahoma.� Vol. 6 No. 3. (Trails)

Dawson, Joseph G Iii. �The Alpha-Omega Man: General Phil Sheridan.� Vol. 3 No. 2 Jump 1978. (US Mil)

Flores, Dan L. �Rendezvous of Castilian Bluff: Jefferson�south Crimson River Exploration.� Vol. 4 No. 2 Spring 1979. (Exploration)

Harris, Charles W. �The Reddish River War of 1874-75: The End of an Era on the Keen Plains.� Vol. 3 No. 2 Bound 1978. (US Ind/Mil)

Kyvig, David E. �Policing the Panhandle: Fort Elliott Texas, 1875-1890.� Vol. one No. 3 Autumn 1974. (U.s.a. Mil)

Leckie, William H. �Buell�s Campaign.� Vol. iii No. 2 Bound 1978. (Comanche/United states of america Mil)

Stout, Joseph A., Jr. �Davidson�s Campaign.� Vol. 3 No. 2 Leap 1978. (Trail)

Tate, Michael L. �Indian Scouting Detachments in the Cerise River State of war, 1874-1875.� Vol. three No. 2 Jump 1978. (Ind/United states Mil)

Wallace, Ernest, editor. �The Journal of Ranald South. Mackenzie�south Messenger to the Kwahadi Comanches.� Vol. 3 No.2 Leap 1978. (Comanche/ United states Mil)

Wilson, Gary. �Hostage Amongst the Comanches: The Ordeal of Jane Wilson.� Vol. 5 No. ii Spring 1980. (Comanche/Captive)

Southwestern Historical Quarterly (F381 T341)

Baldwin, Frank, Lt & his wife, �The Cherry-red River War of 1874-1875 � Selected Correspondence.� Vol. 93 No. four April, 1990.

Bender, A. B. �The Texas Frontier.� Vol. 38 No. ii October 1934 Pp. 143 & 147. Map (Talks about Comanche Trail)

Benedict, J. W. �Diary of a Campaign Against the Comanches.� Vol. 32 No. 4 April 4 Pages 300-310. (Comanche/Mil)

Biesele, B. L. �The Relations betwixt the German Settlers and the Indians of Texas, 1844-1860.� Vol. 31 No. 2 Oct 1927 Pages 116-12.

Boeck, Brian J. �They Contributed very much to the Success of our Colony: A New Source to early relations between Germans and Indians at Fredericksburg, Texas� Page 81-92 Vol. 105 No. 1

Carlson, Paul H. & Tom Crum. �The �Battle� at Pease River and the Question of Reliable Sources in the Recapture of Cynthia Ann Parker.� Vol. 113 No. i July 2009 Pages 32-53.

Carroll, Bailey H. �Nolan�s �Lost Nigger� Expedition of 1877.� Vol. 44 No. i July 1940 Pp. 55-75.

Cruse, Brett J. �Archaeological Investigation at the Battle of Red River Site: New Perspectives on the 1874 Indian Entrada in the Texas Panhandle.� Vol. 06 No. 2 Pp. 169-194.

Daniell, Forrest. �Texas Pioneer Surveyors and Indians.� Vol. 60 No. 4 Apr 1957 Pp. 501-506. (Comanche)

Davidson, Wilson T., Col. �A Comanche Prisoner in 1841.� Vol. 45 No. iv April 1942 Pp. 335-342.

Donoghue David. �Explorations of Albert Expressway in Texas.� Vol. 39 No. 2 Oct 1935 Pp. 135-138.

Estep, Raymond. �The War machine and Diplomatic Services of Alexander Le Grande for the Democracy of Texas, 1936-1837.� Vol. 54 No. 2 October 1950 Pp. 169-189. (Comanche)

Field, William T. �Fort Colorado: A Texas Ranger Frontier Outpost in Travis Canton, Texas.� Vol. 72 No. 2 October 1968 Pp. 183-199.

Foreman, Grant. �The Texas Comanche Treaty of 1846.� Vol. 51 No. 4 Pp. 313-332.

Gelo, Daniel J. �Comanche Land and E'er Has Been: A Native Geography of the Nineteenth-Century Comancheria.� Vol. 103 No. 3 Pp. 273-208.

Gelo, Daniel J. & Zesch, Scott. �Every Mean solar day Seems to Be a Holiday: The Captivity of Blanca Babb.� Vol.107 No.i July 2003

Haley, Evetts J. �The Comanchero Trade.� Vol. 38 No. 3 Pp. 157-176. (Trails)

Hoeriy, Karl A. �The Human relationship between German Immigrants and the Native Peoples in Western Texas.� Vol.97 No.3 Jan 1994 Pp. 423-453.

John, Elizabeth, Editor, Translated by Adam Benanides Jr. �Within the Comancheria, 1785: The Diary of Pedro Vial & Francisco Xavier Chaves.� Vol. 98 No. i Pp. 27-59. (Trail & Comanche)

Jones, Lawrence T. �Cynthia Ann Parker and Pease Ross � The Forgotten Photographs.� Vol. 93 No. three January 1990 Pp. 379-384.

Klos, George. �Our People Could Not Distinguish I Tribe from Another: The 1859 Explosion of the Reserve Indians from Texas.� Vol. 97 No. four Pp. 599-620.

Lewa Clara Koch. �The Federal Indian Policy in Texas, 1845-1860.� Vol. 28 No. 3 Jan 1925 Pp. 223-234 & No. iv April 1925 Pp. 259-286.

Muckleroy, Anna. �The Indian Policy of the Republic of Texas I, II, III, IV.� Vol. 25 No.4 April 1922, Vol. 26 Nos. 1,ii,three July 1922, Oct. 1922, Jan 1923; I � Pp. 229-260, Two � P. 29, Iii � Pp. 128-148, Four � Pp. 184-206.

Nelson, Al B. �Campaigning in the Big Curve of the Rio Grande in 1787.� Vol. 39 No. 3 Pp. 200-227. (Mainly Apache, only one encounter with Comanche)

Richardson, Rupert N, editor. �The Death of Nocona.� Vol. 46 No. 1 July 1942 Pp. 15-21.

Ritchie, Eastward. B. �Report of Colonel Samuel Cooper of Inspection Trip from Fort Graham to the Indian Villages on the Upper Brazos Fabricated June, 1851.� Vol. 42 No. iv April 1939 Pp. 327-334. Map (Trails)

Smith, Thomas T. �Fort Inge and Texas Frontier Armed forces Operations 1849-1869.� Vol. 96 No. 1 July 1991 Pp. 1-26.

________. �U.South. Army Combat Operations in the Indian Wars of Texas, 1849-1881.� Vol. 99 No. 4 Apr 1996 Pp. 501-532.

Vigness, David Thousand. �Indian Raids on the Lower Rio Grande, 1836-1837.� Vol. 59 No. i July 1955 Pp. xiv-23. (Indian Disharmonize Comanche)

Zesch, Scott. �The Two Captivities of Adolph Korn.� Vol. 104 No. iv April 2001 Pp. 515-542.

Run into likewise Vol. 95 No.1 1991 � Entire journal is good on Comanches.

West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (F381 W53)

Alvarez, Serrano, Jose Manuel and Kuethe Allen J. �The San Saba Presidio and Spain�southward Borderland Policy in N America.� Vol. 83 Pp. 7. (Apache/Comanche/Bridge TX)

Anderson, Adrian N. �The Concluding Stage of Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie�s 1834 Campaign against the Comanches.� Vol. xl Pp. 71. (Mil)

Anderson, H. Allen Editor. �Indian Raids on the Texas Borderland: The Personal Memoir of Hugh Allen Anderson.� Vol. 51 No. 85. (Ind)

Campbell, T.Due north. & Fields, William T. �Identification of Comanche Raiding Trails in Trans-Pecos Texas.� Vol. 44 P.128. Map (Comanche/Trails)

Carlson, Paul H., Editor. �Jose Piedad Tafoya�southward Testimony on Behalf of Charles Goodnight in 1893.� Vol. 83 P. 188. (Comancheros)

Chambers, Clint. �Fort Sill�s Emissaries to the Quahada Comanches on the Staked Plains, 1875� Vol. 72 Pp. 58-68. (Comanche/Mil)

Clayton, Lawrence & Morris Ledbetter. �John Calvin Ledbetter/S. Westward. Wesley: One Indian Captivity Story or Two?� Vol. 60: 83- 91. (Ind/Convict)

Cox, Mike. �Battle of the Pigment Rocks: Scrapping off the Layers.� Vol. 78 P. 151. (Comanche/TX Rangers)

Crane, R. C. �The Settlements of the Indian Troubles in Due west Texas, 1874-1875.� Vol. 1 P. 3. (Ind)

Crimmins, Grand. L., Col. �Shafter�southward Explorations in Due west Texas, 1875.� Vol. 9 P. 82. (Mil)

_____. �General Mackenzie and Fort Concho.� Vol. ten P. 16. (Mil)

_____. �Helm Nolan�due south Lost Troop on the Staked Plains.� Vol. 10 P. 68. (Ind/Mil)

_____. �Jack Hayes� Story of Fitzhugh Lee�south Indian Fight.� Vol. 13 P. forty. (TX/ Rangers/Ind)

_____. �The Second Dragoon Indian Campaign in Texas.� Vol. 21 P. 50. (Mil)

_____. �Starting time Sergeant John W. Spangler, Company H of Second U.s. Cavalry.� Vol. 26 P. 68. (Mil)

Crum, Tom. �Folklorization of the Battle on Pease River.� Vol. 72 Pp. 69-85. (Comanche/TX)

Faulk Odie B., Translator and Editor. �A Description of the Comanche Indians in 1786.� Vol. 37 P. 177. (Comanche)

Griggs, Williams C. �The Battle of Yellowhouse Coulee in 1877.� Vol. 51 P. 37. (Comanche)

Hatfield, Charles A. P. Col. �Comanche, Kiowa and Cheyenne Entrada in Northwest Texas and Mackenzie�s Fight in the Palo Duro Canyon, September 26, 1874.� Vol. 5 P. 128. (Plains Ind)

Henderson, E. West. �Buffalo Hump: A Comanche Diplomat.� Vol. 35 P. 112. (Comanche)

Hill, Frank P. �The South Plains and Our Indian History.� Vol. 12 P. 34. (TX/ Ind)

Holden, West. C. �The Buffalo of the Plains Area.� Vol. two P. 8. (Buffalo)

________. �Borderland Defence in Texas during the Ceremonious War.� Vol. 4 P. 1. (TX Frontier)

________. �Borderland Defense force, 1846- 1860.� Vol. half dozen P. 35. (TX Frontier)

Howell, D. S. �Forth the Texas Frontier during the Civil War.� Vol. 13 Pp. 82. (TX)

Howsley, Marilynne. �Forting upon the Texas Frontier during the Civil State of war.� Vol. 18 Pp. 47. (TX Frontier)

Marshall, Doyle. �Red haired �Indian� Raiders on the Texas Frontier.� Vol. 61 Pp. 88-105. (Ind/White Raiders)

Nanny, Betsy and Lawrence. �The Indian Captivity of Anna Metzger.� Vol. 75 P. 143. (Ind. Captive)

Neighbours, Kenneth F. �Robert S. Neighbors and the Founding of Texas Indian Reservations.� Vol. 31 P. 65. (TX/Ind)

_____. �Indian Exodus out of Texas in 1859.� Vol. 36 P. lxxx. (TX/Ind)

_____. �Elm Creek Raid in Immature County, 1864.� Vol. xl P. 83. (TX/Ind)

_____. �The Boxing of Walker�due south Creek�. Vol. 41 P. 121. (TX Rangers/Ind)

Nielsen, Soren Westward. �Ranald Due south. Mackenzie: The Man and his Battles.� Vol. 64 Pp. 140-152. (Mil)

Richardson, Rupert N., Editor. �Documents Relating to West Texas and Her Indian Troubles.� Vol. 1 Pp. 30. (Ind)

_____. �Elderidge�s Report on His Trek to the Comanches.� Vol. iv Pp. 14. (Comanche)

Rister, C. C., editor. �Early Accounts of Indian Depredation.� Vol. 2 Pp. 18. (Ind)

Smith, David P. �Frontier Defence force and the Cooke County Raid, 1863.� Vol. 64 Pp. 30-49. (Ind/ TX)

Smith, Ralph A. �The Comanche Invasion of Mexico in the Fall of 1845.� Vol. 35 P. 3. (Comanche)

_____. �The Comanche Sun Over Mexico.� Vol. 46 P. 25. (Comanche)

Sullivan, Jerry Yard., Editor. �Lieutenant Colonel William R. Shafter�south Pecos River Trek of 1870.� Vol. 47 P. 146. (Mil)

Vance, Randy. �Battle of Sweetwater Creek.� Vol. 79 P. 119. (Mil/Kiowa)

Wagstaff, R. K. �Impact of the Indian Treaties of the Little Arkansas (1865) and Medicine Lodge (1867) on Northwest Texas.� Vol. 48 P. 96. Map (Ind/ Treaties)

Wallace, Ernest. �Some Explanatory Origins in Comanche Folklore.� Vol. 23 P. 62. (Comanche)

_____. �The Comanches on the White Man�s Route.� Vol. 29 P. three. (Comanche)

_____, editor. �David One thousand. Burnet�s Letters Describing the Comanche Indians.� Vol. 30 P. 115. (Comanches)

_____. �Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie�south Expedition beyond the South Plains.� Vol. 38 P. iii. (Mil)

_____. �The Historic Indians of the Llano Estacado.� Vol. 58 Pp. three-eighteen. (Ind)

Western Historical Quarterly (F591 W464)

Calloway, Colin K. �Neither White nor Ruby: Renegades on the American Indian Borderland.� Vol. 17 No. 1 1986. (Ind/White)

Chaput, Donald. �Generals, Indians, Agents, Politicians: The Doolittle Survey of 1865.� Vol. iii No. three 1972 (U.S./Ind)

Ellis, Clyde. ��We Don�t Want Your Rations, We Want this Trip the light fantastic toe�: The Irresolute Employ of Song and Trip the light fantastic on the Southern Plains.� Vol. 30, No. 2 1999. (Due south. Plains Ind/Comanche/Kiowa)

H�1000�l�inen, Pekka. �The Western Comanche Merchandise Center: Rethinking the Plains Indian Trade System.� Vol. 29 No. 4 1998.

Illick, Joseph E. �Some of Our Best Indians Are Friends.� Vol. two No. 3 1971. (Quakers/Grant Peace Policy/Ind Agent)

Iverson, Peter. �Building Toward Self-Determination: Plains and Southwestern Indians in the 1940s and 1950s.� Vol. 16 No. 2 (1985). (Ind/SW)

Kinnaird, Lawrence. �Spanish Treaties with Indian Tribes.� Vol. ten No. 1 1979. (Span/Ind)

Philip, Kenneth R. �Termination: A Legacy of the Indian New Deal.� Vol. xiv No. 2 1983. (Ind)

Powers, Ramon and Leiker, James N. �Cholera among the Plains Indians: Perceptions, Causes, Consequences.� Vol. 29 No. iii 1998. (Ind/ Disease/Comanche/Kiowa/ Cheyenne/Others)

Unrau, William East. �The Civilian as Indian Amanuensis: Villain or Victim?� Vol. 3 No. 4 1972. (US/Ind Agent)

Weber, David J. �Mexico�south Far Northern Frontiers, 1821-1854: Histography Askew.� Vol. 7 No. 3 1976. (Mex/Apache/Comanche Pp. 281)

Wunder, John R. ��That No Thorn Will Pierce Our Friendship�: The Ute-Comanche Treaty of 1786.� (Ute/Comanche)


Source: https://swco.ttu.edu/Reference/Collections/Bibliographies/comanchejournal.htm

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